You didn’t put in the work it took to be a Wellness Professional to suffer. Period.

Maybe you went to work for a Big Box Training Facility, or a Jane Fonda Mcdonalds Yoga Shop, and a week or two into your new job, you realized you weren’t making enough money while the studio owners were getting rich.

Maybe you started your own business, and the fear and lack of authentic ways to get new clients left you feeling disappointed with your choice.

Or maybe, just maybe, you have a little voice in the back of your head that’s telling you that the difference you are making now is only a fraction of what’s possible.

I get it.

My name is Tim Murray, and I’ve got an amazing life of experience that is matched by few: professional athlete, 30 years of yoga and meditation, successful businesses, world travel,  coaching, training, and teaching.  I’ve always come from a place of being a champion, it’s completely natural to me.  I think most people only get to dream about that, and have no way of knowing how to harness that power for themselves. I can show anyone how to be a champion.

I’m here to make you a champion in your business and life… and teach you how to develop your business in a way that leaves you feeling authentic, powerful, and financially free.

My coaching clients have needed breakthroughs on how to sell, how to relate to their clients better, and how to get past “themselves” so they could excel at what they wanted to do.  I’ve got a degree in sports psychology, as well as years of experience in high-level transformational coaching. I apply all of it in my workshops. I’m good at making changes like this happen for people like you.

I climbed Mount Fuji when I was 12, learned transcendental meditation when I was 16, and started practicing yoga when I was 14. I’ve guided people to Everest Base Camp, and rowed my own boat down the Grand Canyon. I’ve sat with monks in Tibet and Nepal and India, and medicine men in the Amazon, prayed at the wailing wall, done dozens of sacred medicine ceremonies at Machu Picchu. I spent a month in a yoga ashram in the Himalayan foothills of Northern India.  I’ve completed over 200 triathlons, including 3 Ironmans….I’ve stood on the podium in both National and World Championships in multiple sports. I’ve trained with Navy Seals and other special forces operators, and when the shit hit the fan, I was the one lifting them up and holding our “team” together.

Why should any of that matter to you? Let me tell you.

Out of all of that experience- the biggest lesson I got was this: I’m really good at hearing your truest desires, even if you aren’t so good at articulating them.  I’ll help you own your inner power, and capitalize on it. I’ve got your back 100%, and with me at your side, you can’t fail. Period.



I know that you are skeptical- I would be too.  I feel like most coaches signed up on the recent “life coaching” bandwagon because they thought it was cool. I want you to come to my Free Introduction Workshop, and see for yourself that what worked for me can work for you. I promise you’ll get a ton of value from attending, whether you go on to do business with me or not. I also promise to be great with you… and that I won’t use any high-pressure sales tactics. Click below to take the next big step in your life and business.